"A Sleeping Mind Is A Dreamer"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

President Of United States Is Racist?!....what a shocker

B.H.O. is first US President in my memory that calls out support by race...OMG!
Of course, he also calls for the "young" and "women" to support his party. Does that exclude any "old men", or just the white ones?

It's a sad, sad thing that the first Half-Black man to finally be elected to the highest office in the land, turns out to be such a disappointment as a "role-model" for being a leader of all.

Perhaps another Black man or even a Black woman will be elected to President someday....like in a Hundred Years!! By then, hopefully, race/color will be diluted down enough by bi-racial births that 'color/race' will only be remembered in history books.

I remember as a child my mom teaching me that "God made all the flowers and all the people of all colors to live together in peace". Based on that, I guess we could say "Satan is a divider"?

H/T to Andrew Bolt for the video.....another smart guy I read online.


I'm smoking a nice brisket on the pit, drinking a cold beer, and smoking Pall Malls, while sitting in the shade of my patio. Beautiful day here in Houston. I have red and pink roses galore and 4 green tomatoes....whoopee!

Hubby is still day-sitting with SIL, who is slowly improving with his new hip. They watch a lot of golf and baseball. I suspect they nap some also. Old men do that........haha


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40 Miles East of Dallas, Texas, United States
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