"A Sleeping Mind Is A Dreamer"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Guess These Won't Fly?.........

Two items I removed from the safe deposit box the other day. I still just love that old Boy Scout camp knife, and the one with "America Is Back" is a treasure that I bought from the U.S. Commemorative Society years ago. It has a lifetime warranty. Just like America.
My problem now is I've misplaced both. CORRECTION: I don't remember where I put them. I would have sworn I put them in the china cabinet, but no, not there. How do I lose/misplace stuff I want to keep and yet have other stuff under foot I don't want or need?
I'll keep a eye out for them. They're both probably now hiding with that second deposit key I can't find in order to get my $25 key deposit back.
I seriously need a secretary.

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40 Miles East of Dallas, Texas, United States
"Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride."

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