"A Sleeping Mind Is A Dreamer"

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"The Suckers Took The Bait" (click here)

Warning: This is a long ranting post, but damnit! it's my blog!
We've all been 'conned' one time or another in our life. Since we are all human beings and live on the same planet, we're each subject to getting "shafted/conned". Each of our life's goal should be to avoid as many "Opps, I got conned", as possible. It should be taught in schools, not only to read, but to question. Educators should teach the simple money laws of earnings via spending and what marketing means. (At the very least high schoolers should know how to balance a checking account before graduating.)
Through no rational fault of their own, millions of folks have bought the idea today they need to 'save Mother Earth', and are blindly following Al Gore. They had been taught not to question your elders or banker, or professor, or doctor, or elected official. These followers accept on faith the mumbo jumbo science. Some purely for greedy profit that they saw for themselves. So through excellent marketing, the public swallowed "Global Warming Is Humans Fault", hook, line and sinker.

They now teach it to children in public schools, passing on misinformation based on Gore's faulty science. Gore, instead of feeling just hurt for being a liberal, he felt anger and took on a "chip on his shoulder". His chance for glory as President was gone. But if he was to sell his new idea, he needed more credibility than just "former Vice-President" had, so he made a movie and bought the Nobel Prize. With help from his alias in the media, a brand new marketing idea was nurtured and profits were sure to follow this new industry/religion. The 'sting' is on, power and billions of dollars hang in the balance.
True science is flushed down the sewer, omitted, redacted, poo-pooed as sour grapes, and made to stay silent. Reputations ruined for calling it 'bad science'.
The axe over Federal Grants to any who questioned or disagreed hung in the balance.
Today the public "hopes" to live in a garden world, eat safe fresh green vegetables, and watch white fluffy clouds float by. They want to smell sweet fresh air unfiltered without any of that nasty stuff; smoke, smog, or cow farting.
They desire to exchange guns for hugs, no more wars, no more fighting, talk reason is better, "can't we all just get along?".
No more hunger if only you'll eat less, want less, and teach the little children, for they also must learn this wonderful new science! Market this idea to "th"degree unlimited and you have a few very wealthy, and millions more new in poverty, more on the public dole then ever in history. Better to control the masses. Fascism at it's best.

The Congress passed a bill Friday, but they must get it through the Senate before Obama can sign it into law, which he wants to do in November. So they must con/convince the public this summer to pressure all the Senators to vote YES.


I'm looking for a few good and real patriot senators to thwart this bill and send the clear message to Gore and his followers that No means No. Is the public even paying attention beyond the 30 seconds on TV evening news?

I'm neither scientist or a skilled writer, but I read. With the invention of the "World Wide Web", I've stumbled onto several sources for information, and various opinions. Gardening questions lead to sites that dealt with sun, soil, water, and plants. Health questions lead to medical information. Government questions lead to history, statesmen, and politics.
Some lessons I learned as a child has proven correct, like don't believe or trust that it's our government's job to just help you. It's purpose is to control the masses, protect the borders (haha). Their job is to tax anything you buy.... forever, be it your house, your car, your telephone, your earnings or even what you leave behind when you die. You are their only source of income so you will never stop paying them.
They produce nothing to sell, but make laws for you to obey. They control the airspace, airwaves, the flow and direction of all water. Like cancer, governments grow, they never get smaller, and like cancer if left unchecked, they will eat you alive.
They will make law after law to keep you in tow, yet excempt themselves. They will give themselves pay raises, and special perks, which if you tried to have, would probably put you in violation of a law. They will audit you to be sure you're not withholding a penny from them, but will not allow themselves or any department to be audited.....i.e. Internal Revenue Service.
People have forgotten, never knew, or were never taught, what it means that America has a Constitution and a Bills of Rights. "Just some old yellowed papers in a glass display case?"
No, it's an contract agreement between us, the common people and those we elect to keep our country safe and free. The cost of that agreement has been paid in blood by patriots. Patriots that knew dictators/kings/rulers are evil, and that power corrupts. Patriotism is not just for flag waving parades and picnics on July 4th, it's every day you live free. Patriotism is not a politician giving a good speech and shake your hand at a rally. Patriotism is having the courage to defend America against all enemies, domestic and foreign. Patriotism is protecting our country and our freedoms. It's our duty as citizens to question our government and decide the truth in their actions. Are they acting as patriots or as lobbyists' pawns? May I remind you; "The truth will set you free".
This post is my opinion and won't have any impact on the world, I'm not naive or insane. But since once this is published and goes onto the Internet space, it will remain forever.
So years from now, if the Internet is still available and when people are living in restricted, tiny green cubicles, someone might stumble onto this post and think, "Wow, what a ignorant old woman! She didn't believe our Reverend Al Gore, or help to save our precious earth!! Her opinion didn't cause any harm by encourageing people to question or test Gore's science!....But what if we had?.....Guess it's too late now?"
*I now leave it up to any reader that passes through, to question the science spin.

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40 Miles East of Dallas, Texas, United States
"Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride."

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