"A Sleeping Mind Is A Dreamer"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jimmy Carter Pimping Race War? (click here for a Blackman's view)

As a old white woman who was raised by a racist mother and a non-racist daddy. How did I square my own views on race issues growing up?

Easy. Somehow I grew up color blind. Not literally, but I learned by the age of six that my favorite playmates at school were a "Negro" sister and brother that lived a few blocks (across the tracks) from me wasn't acceptable to Mom. Mom freaked out when I wanted to invite them to my birthday party.......We moved away soon after that. Years later she confessed we moved because she feared my treating them as equals would somehow end up in a serious mixed racial relationship and she nagged daddy to move us. How many did the same during those years? But from Mom I first learned phrases and words like, "nappy headed", "lazy as a (N), "Jig-a-boo", "N" in the wood pile", etc etc. Daddy on the other hand, had been raised with 'colored' men and women working on their farm and had worked with them in California during WWII. He was not as bigoted as Mom.

Follow that with my discovery of Jazz, and Blues music around the age of twelve. My folks never could reconcile themselves to why I hated their choice of banjo picking, twangy, bellowing, called Hank Williams/Country beer drinking music. Mother was serious about "making" me bias against any person of "color". I still remember how she took away my portable radio and threw it out the back door one midnight, smashing it to bits, because I was quietly listening to a "negro music" radio station under my quilt. It was actually the only time I could receive the signal from Memphis and I loved that snappy music.

Then add one of the smartest girl in my high school was Katy Smith. I shared two classes with her, including PE. I still remember my surprise to see she wore a better brand of underwear then me, how was that possible? Mom preached that "they" were all dirt poor and ignorant. Hmm, maybe because both her parents it turned out were educated professors at our local college. Mom swore it wasn't real somehow. My brain couldn't compute her "truth" into what was fact.

Now jump forward twenty years and my son was in school sports. All through twelve grades one of his best buddies was another athlete, who was black. His parents never referred to themselves as African-American either. They were Black Americans. His dad was a Korean Vet and the best dancer (besides hubby) that I ever danced with at our annual Chamber dances.

I never became a Democrat, woe to my Mom. After I saw the Little Rock Arkansas protesters on TV, then add that other Georgia's Democrat Governor George Wallace barring the doors of a school. Why? Because those black kids were seeking a equal education? Wow! That gave a whole new meaning to "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave". It just didn't compute in my pea brain.

Then add my reading some history that just never made to the then racial school system. Like the black doctor that invented "plasma" that saved millions of soldiers during WWII, when whole blood or transfusions weren't available. He resigned from working for the US Army after the Democrat government forbid "mixing the blood of Blacks and Whites". He also started the Blood Bank, which we all still depend. I'm sorry I can't remember his name, but you can google.

I'm not so naive to think racism doesn't exist, but it's roots still run deep inside the Democratic Party.

I am still naive enough to believe it's what is in someones heart and actions that speak to what kind of person they are, not the color of their skin, or the slant of their eyes. Like Rev. King, I also had a dream. That the first Black person elected to our highest office would be elected based on him being the best, and would keep his oath, his patriotism for America, and would choose the most qualified honest persons for his cabinet of any color. That best would cross the barrier and forever end the color divide.

Listening and reading about Barack Obama I soon decided it would not be him, and each day I become more convinced I am right. He's just a well groomed community organizer that got picked by the "behind closed doors KKK Clan" to be their "Boy" in their scheme to re-grow their once grand power of the old South.....except now they will include all of us as their 'slaves'.

I remember a black female prisoner I escorted by car to prison one time, who tried to convince me most of the trip that she had been convicted of forging hundreds of checks....by a racist judge.....I was disappointed but not surprised that she "used" her color as her excuse. It's rare for a weak morale person to accept responsibility for their actions. Of any color.

One of my best patrol partners for several months during my law enforcement, was a 230 lbs, 6.5 ft "Eddie Murphy" look alike and we made lots of calls together. We had gone through the academy together and he admired my marksmanship with my Colt .45 for a 122 lb "female shrimp". When making a call in a white neighborhood I would be "officer in charge" and the opposite if in a black neighborhood, simply because racists lived in both. After I transferred over to "Juvenile/Sexual Assaults", he was hired by Texas DPS (state police) and we never saw each other again, but I know he's still doing a good job. He hated Jimmy Carter too. Together we arrested a few criminals of both colors.

Not all my black experiences have been so civil. There was the black janitor that raped one of my nieces in her apartment, and then the group of black men that kidnapped and raped another niece (who later committed suicide). Should I condemn the entire race because of their crimes? I can't limit my brain to color. The punishment I would whack on rapists or child molesters would be terminal no matter their color, age, sex, or religion. But that's another rant for another day.

Just click the title and read Kevin's opinion.

I'm out of here. I feel like shopping today and need to restock the bar.

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40 Miles East of Dallas, Texas, United States
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