"A Sleeping Mind Is A Dreamer"

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hallelujah! Derby Tomorrow!!

(photo: "Barbano", winner 2006)

Hubby loves me. How do I know? 'Cause he'll watch horse races with me on TV.
How much he loves me is reflective by the fact he won't go and watch at the track. But I won't complain because........

.......tomorrow I'll have eye-candy watching these fine fine animals race like Hell. If I can pick the winner, I'm thinking filly, "Devil May Care".

Yes, I know "Lookin' At Lucky" is the favorite 3-1, but I feel "Devil May Care" is more in keeping with current political events that even at 10-1 odds, she could win. This is like hell on earth isn't it?
I also like "Backtalk" 50-1 to at least place. Reason? He's the son of 2004 winner, "Smarty Jones".

I'm just glad there's not one named "Hope and Change" running, 'cause when it won't provide proper papers, would be scratched.

Here's the entries in post-position w/odds: Inside gate #1, Lookin At Lucky, 3-1; Ice Box, 10-1; Noble's Promise, 12-1; Super Saver, 15-1; Line of David, 30-1; Stately Victor, 30-1; American Lion, 30-1; Dean's Kitten, 50-1; Make Music for Me, 50-1; Paddy O'Prado, 20-1; Devil May Care, 10-1; Conveyance, 12-1; Jackson Bend, 15-1; Mission Impazible, 20-1; Discreetly Mine, 30-1; Awesome Act, 10-1; Dublin, 12-1; Backtalk, 50-1; Homeboykris, 50-1; and outside gate #20 is Sidney's Candy, 5-1.

Which one would you bet $2 on?

Blowback Ain't Pretty.

I'm a pretty laid back old lady most of the time. Politics and this current government is about all that gets my juices flowing. But when hubby came home yesterday afternoon, his "tone" offended me and I ripped it.
See we're both pretty easy going with others and especially with each other. But I will take the blame for throwing a "hissy fit" and nearly putting him in shock. What triggered me was something he said in a (pitiful tone) about our SIL who said he's worried about the social security he hopes to receive when he starts drawing it.......IN FIVE YEARS!
I don't know why that ticked me off. Maybe because at 60 years of age is sort of late in life to begin worrying about your retirement, you reckon?
Me so Bad (as the youth of today says).
I forget sometimes that most people are totally ignorant on most anything to do with their government or ramifications of laws that Congress passes. Unless it directly effects them immediately, their only interest is; "what's for supper?" and "what's on prime time tonight?". Forget suggesting to a young person to start a retirement IRA account. They look at you like you're a nutty old lady, who knows beans about finances.
Anyway, I drank some wine and ate some pasta and got mellow. In today's weird world that's the easiest way to handle some of these evening chats.
Later Hubby said I'm spending far too much time alone and need a break from this computer and any political news. I'm thinking a trip to a casino is coming up soon......or maybe I need to find a local daytime friend that will take me out to the movies and get me out of this damn house more often!

A woman can only go to the nail shop or hair stylist so often before people start to gossip. Do old women just sit around watching Oprah or soap operas all day? I'm so totally bored with being retired.

~~~~~~End of Rant~~~~~~

Back to the computer, maybe I'll do puzzles for awhile.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Can Hardly Wait Until November and 2012....

Here's another reason I love the Internet and YouTube: Learning without going back to school. See if you don't agree.

Note to self: Hubby hates steamed cabbage, so remove from future meals.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All That's Occupying My Mind Right Now.

Not exactly in this order, but close to it.

Tonight I'm planning to watch "Greta" on FoxNews at 9pm CST. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, will be her guest.

I now want to move to Arizona......She's another brave female standing up to Liberals.

Hubby is watching baseball (apparently he didn't get enough of that today at SIL's).

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

President Of United States Is Racist?!....what a shocker

B.H.O. is first US President in my memory that calls out support by race...OMG!
Of course, he also calls for the "young" and "women" to support his party. Does that exclude any "old men", or just the white ones?

It's a sad, sad thing that the first Half-Black man to finally be elected to the highest office in the land, turns out to be such a disappointment as a "role-model" for being a leader of all.

Perhaps another Black man or even a Black woman will be elected to President someday....like in a Hundred Years!! By then, hopefully, race/color will be diluted down enough by bi-racial births that 'color/race' will only be remembered in history books.

I remember as a child my mom teaching me that "God made all the flowers and all the people of all colors to live together in peace". Based on that, I guess we could say "Satan is a divider"?

H/T to Andrew Bolt for the video.....another smart guy I read online.


I'm smoking a nice brisket on the pit, drinking a cold beer, and smoking Pall Malls, while sitting in the shade of my patio. Beautiful day here in Houston. I have red and pink roses galore and 4 green tomatoes....whoopee!

Hubby is still day-sitting with SIL, who is slowly improving with his new hip. They watch a lot of golf and baseball. I suspect they nap some also. Old men do that........haha


Mother Nature Shows The "Greenies" A Real Carbon Footprint......

Maybe she's trying to tell us that lying to profit off weather scares really pisses her off. She wants honest science. Check, re-check, and re-checked again.
Or maybe she's sick of all the Green Ink being used up in nearly every commercial on TV.
Or maybe she's daring Al Gore and his followers to try to control her in anyway. "Big Momma" slaps back.
Amazing photo of recent Iceland Volcano Eruption.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Be Careful Of What You HOPE For...........

Seen at a OBAMA campaign rally in 2009.

I can hardly wait until NOVEMBER !

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Earth Good - Humans Bad = Poonz Scheme

Please Read. The truth will set you free.
April 22, 2010
Earth Day: An Assault on Man
By Brian Sussman. The American Thinker

In recent weeks while addressing Tea Party rallies here on the left coast, I ask the assembled patriots what appears to be an odd question: “Would all those from the former Soviet Union please raise your hands?” A notable number of hands are always raised—the San Francisco Bay Area is home to a diverse population. I then ask another curious question: “What does April 22 signify to you?” Without exception, someone will shout with great displeasure, “Lenin’s birth date!” The crowd clearly sees that I’m on to something. I next ask the former Soviets, “And as a young child in school, who were you told is your grandfather?” At this point several painfully respond, “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin!” “And in the United States, do you know what we celebrate on April 22?” I ask. “Earth Day. Grandfather Lenin has been conjoined with Mother Earth—and it’s no coincidence.”

In my new book Climategate (released today), I detail the doings of Earth Day’s devious founders. It seems that this crafty crew were cut from cloth that resembles Marx and Lenin, as opposed to Madison and Jefferson. In 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WS) was Congress’s leading environmentalist activist. Nelson was the mastermind behind those ridiculous teach-ins, which were in vogue in the late sixties and early seventies. During the teach-ins, mutinous school instructors would scrap the day’s assigned curriculum, pressure their students to sit cross-legged on the floor, “rap” about how America is an imperialist nation, and discuss why communism really isn’t such a bad form of government—it just needs to be implemented properly.

Nelson’s teach-in efforts were aided by a young man named Denis Hayes. Hayes was student body president while an undergrad at Stanford, and well known for organizing anti-Vietnam war protests. Later, while pursuing a masters degree in public policy at Harvard, Hayes heard about Senator Nelson’s teach-in concept and eventually helped Nelson institute the practice nationwide. Denis Hayes would also conspire with the senator to found Earth Day.

Rounding out the troika was Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford. In 1968 Ehrlich authored the Malthusian missive, The Population Bomb, in which he infamously spouted wild allegations which included equating the earth’s supposed surplus of people with a cancer that needs to be eradicated: “A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. ... We must shift our efforts from treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.”

In 1969, following a much-hyped oil spill off the Santa Barbara coast, an overblown patch of fire on Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River, and the pharmaceutically induced vibes cast across the nation via the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, Senator Nelson met with Ehrlich and reportedly said, “My God—why not a national teach-in on the environment?” Hayes was brought in to play a pivotal role with organization and implementation. After careful consideration, a name and date for the event were chosen: The inaugural Earth Day would be celebrated April 22, 1970.

Skeptical historians immediately noted a bizarre coincidence. The date coincided with the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Lenin. Earth Day organizers have since tried to brush aside the odd synchronization of dates with lame retorts like “Lenin wasn’t an environmentalist.” But he didn’t have to be. Lenin’s core political philosophy was linked at the hip with these newfangled eco-zealots, who maintained that America’s government must be altered, its economy planned and regulated, and its citizens better-controlled. The environment would be the perfect tool to force these changes, and the most efficient way to gain converts would be through the public school system—the earlier, the better.

Nelson and Ehrlich were already known as non-traditional crackpots, but young Hayes was that and more. In a New York Times article published the morning after the first Earth Day entitled “Angry Coordinator of Earth Day,” young Hayes bragged that five years earlier, he fled overseas because “I had to get away from America.” Hayes was so committed to his anti-capitalist cause that he made sure that his organization did not even produce Earth Day bumper stickers. “You want to know why?” He explained to the Times: “Because they go on automobiles.”

As I write in Climategate: Earth Day has never been a celebration of God’s wonderful creation; instead it’s always been an assault on man. “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources,” championed the New York Times in an April 23, 1970 editorial, “not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.”

During that first Earth Day man was proclaimed the polluter and would remain as such for subsequent observances that decade. By the Eighties the event’s organizers cast man as the tree killer, and, with the Nineties, man evolved into the animal species annihilator. The global warming scare never really became popular until the late Nineties, and when it did, it provided a hook that the compatriots at the Earth Day headquarters could hang their red berets on. Known as anthropogenic global warming, it was a sexy sell: humans-particularly Americans-were now screwing up the entire planet’s weather. By 2000 Earth Day organizers took ownership of this new angle and would never let go.

Senator Nelson has since passed into the great beyond, Denis Hayes is a board member of the international Earth Day Network, and Paul Ehrlich continues to promote Malthus’ machinations at Stanford. In fact, Ehrlich’s close associate and co-author of many of his books, John Holdren, is now Barack Obama’s official science and technology advisor.

While today is the official Earth Day, the biggest gaggle of true believers will assemble on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on Sunday. According to the Earth Day Network, the list of featured speakers confirms my premise that Earth Day is an assault on man. The mouthpieces include AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, the guy who is widely reported as having encouraged striking United Mine Worker to “kick the shit out of “ mine employees who were resisting union demands.

Another featured speaker will be Hollywood director James Cameron, who recently said that he wanted to take anthropogenic global warming deniers “into the street and shoot it out with those boneheads.” In the same interview, he also stated that global warning deniers “have their head so deeply up their ass I’m not sure if they could hear me.”

Also included to share his CO2 with the audience is activist Jesse Jackson. We haven’t heard as much from Jackson since he was forced to apologize after an open microphone caught him whispering, “See, Barack’s been talking down to black people ... I want to cut his nuts off.”

These three speakers take “assault on man” to a whole new level.

Of course, Denis Hayes will be the keynote for this Sunday event. According to the Earth Day Network press release: Denis Hayes, national coordinator for the first Earth Day in 1970 and international chair of Earth Day 2010, will speak about the urgency of addressing climate change and the need to set a framework for a green economy. Carefully note the last words summarizing Hayes’ forthcoming speech: “… the need to set a framework for a green economy.” Hayes’ speech is perfectly planned to kick off debate on the Energy/Cap-and-Trade Bill in the Senate, which is scheduled to begin the very next day.

As I have noted previously here at American Thinker, the American Clean Energy and Security Act passed by the House proposes green economic schemes that should frighten us greatly.

For example, buried on pages 1014-1016 of the bill is the “Monthly Energy Refund.” According to this trick, for those with a gross income that “does not exceed 150 percent of the poverty line ... a direct deposit” of an undisclosed amount of money will be sent “into the eligible household’s designated bank account[.]”

On pages 502-503 we find the “Low Income Community Energy Efficiency Program,” whereby grants will be issued “to increase the flow of capital and benefits to low income communities, minority-owned and woman-owned businesses and entrepreneurs[.]”

Further proving that this is actually a welfare scheme, on page 973 we discover that for workers who lose their manufacturing jobs because the caps on their companies are too repressive and their employer either has to shut down or move operations to the third world to avoid regulation, the “adversely affected worker” shall receive 70 percent of his prior weekly wage, “payable for a period not longer than 156 weeks.” In addition, on pages 986-987 we read that the unemployed worker can submit up to $1,500 in job search reimbursements and get another $1,500 to cover his moving expenses.

And then there are the new federally mandated building codes, which will supersede local rules and regulations. The new codes will be enforced by what I refer to in Climategate as a “green goon squad.” On pages 319-324 of the House bill we read that the Secretary of Energy “shall enhance compliance by conducting training and education of builders and other professionals in the jurisdiction concerning the national energy efficiency building code.” These EPA badge-wearing G-Men will be funded through global warming revenues procured through the cap-and-trade scheme, as well as by $25 million designated annually from the Department of Energy “to provide necessary enforcement of a national energy efficiency building code[.]”

Earth Day is not a celebration of this glorious planet, but instead an assault on man—and the current energy bill is an assault on America. We must equip ourselves with a complete understanding of the facts so that we can prevent these elitist social engineers from passing this liberty-sapping piece of legislation. Read more here.
For two decades, Brian Sussman served the San Francisco Bay Area with his award-winning television weathercasts. He now serves the same region as the morning talk show host on KSFO radio (560-AM). His book, Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes The Global Warming Scam, is being released today.

Al Gore has become a millionaire for joining this group of scammers that do more to pollute our air than Iceland eruptions.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust....Thanks Walmart.

(Our newest USA bill)

Our oldest local grocer/drug store has closed down. We've been shopping and getting prescriptions from them since 1972, when we moved to this area.

They just couldn't compete against big chains like, H.E.B., Krogers, and Super Wal-mart any longer. Most of the employees are retiring, particularly the butcher and baker. Dang!! Where we will get fresh-cut meat now? I do not know.
I have moved our prescriptions to the store that our druggist has gone to work. Amazingly, when I checked prices, they're $40 per month cheaper, so some good will benefit us on that change. But....

....I have to learn where groceries are located on shelves and aisles in a new store. Dang!
So first store: I was stopping employees to ask, "where's your bread?", "where would I find rice and pasta?", etc. I was flip flopping aisles pushing a cheap "Made in China" shopping cart until in frustration I checked out and came home with half my list complete.

Guess I'll shop a different store and see how they're laid out. Men designed these aisles, I'm sure. Any woman would stock bread and milk closer to the front door, rather then fresh vegetables, right? Why put milk on the rear wall, but eggs, cheese, and butter on the other side of dang store? Another clue that men designed that store, beer was near the front door.

FYI: Old people don't adjust to change very well that requires wasteful walking. I need a road map of that place!
It's overcast today, and I have one green tomatoe....Whoopie!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pinto Beans.......

Eruptions can cause damage and multiple clothes changes, but no planes are grounded.
Counter with enchiladas, salsa, and margaritas seens to calm the panic and induces sleep.
I love "Take Out".
Nice rain this weekend kept me inside. I watched "Sherlock Holmes", it did not impress me enough to buy, but I do like Jude Law (sexy eyes).
One of our great-nephews is in hospital. Blood clods in legs and lungs, cause unknown. 36 years old and single.
IMHO: he needs a good wife to cook for him and toss out all that microwave crap he stocks his freezer with.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tea Party Rapper, I like it!

H/T biggovernment.com

I bought a new corkscrew today....It's Party time tonight on the patio!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Blatant Liberal/Democrat Bias

Liberals sure dished it out during G.W.'s term, but become whinning snobs trying to defend their socialist "man". I don't believe I've seen anything as vile as this at any of the Tea Party rallies. Watch and see if you don't agree.

I'm voting today in our primary run-off.

H/T to The Libertarian Bass for this video.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Also Called "Congressional Math"

hat tip to Cartago Delanda

I have a dentist appointment later today so I plan to go shopping while I'm out. 'Babe' needs the cobwebs blown out of her exhaust pipe by way of freeway driving.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

This Breaks It Down For All Who Won't Read...

....or America is really finished as "Land of the free, Home of the brave". The new health care bill that Obama just signed will seal our fate as just another socialist country giving up our lives to a central government. The entire bill is very long, just google if you wish to read the whole thing or to verify the facts in this video.
Pass this video on or post it to your own blog. Maybe if enough voters actually understand what this law does, they CAN UNDO THIS DAMAGE! There MUST be a change in both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate, and a President to the REPUBLICANS, to have a "super majority vote"! Can we do it?

"God, please help freedom-loving America overcome this mistake. Amen"

hat tip to Seaspook for the link.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

I Hope Humor Ticks Off Lefties 'Cause This Is Good.

hat tip to Audacity Watch for posting this parody. My biggest smile of the day.......

Written and sung by Jonathan McWhite and guitar by David McWhite.

Note: My new template for Spring. Cheaper then new clothes and fits me better too, like sweat pants.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

It's Saturday and I'm still in town??

hat tip to Dudley for the link. I love patriotic music and videos.

Son-in-law was discharged from the hospital Thursday and using a walker well enough the doctors are very flattering of his progress. I think the cookies I was sending each morning with hubby helped to kick start S.I.L. legs into moving, Hubby said he smiled when he handed him the small sack each morning. He might have been running if I had put oatmeal and raisins in them?....ha ha just kidding.
Right now hubby has gone to pick up a electric recliner for SIL that will stand him up at the push of a button. Wow! That will be neat. Have never heard of such a chair. Maybe when he's through using it when all better, I can borrow it to dump my tubby butt out to go to bed at night. My recliner is old fashion manual kind that lures me to nap.
I went and got a hair cut this week at "Super Cuts". Thought I was being smart and 'conserving' cash. Well, I did do that....$15 instead of 40, but the real cost is I now look like I did when I was about a month old!!! Hubby said it looks ok, after he stopped laughing........
Hope all have a wonderful Easter Sunday. Thanks be to God!

P.S. Still drinking my ACV each day and have lost 3 lbs of fat, if I skip the honey could lose more faster?

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40 Miles East of Dallas, Texas, United States
"Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride."

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